Sunday 14 November 2010

I'm Gonna Miss You Guys ♥ Najla ;)

For introduction, I just wanna say, Hidrogenius is one of DA BEST CLASS I've even been placed. At first, I thought its gonna be boring. Or, whatever like that. But bila dah lama-lama tuh, memang enjoy. Mai-o-logy ada, pelawak yang mmg suka buat lawak bodoh ada. Well, lawak genius ada ke? :P Walaupun lama-lama ramai yang best pindah, but korang pon boleh tahan. Then aku ada TLCS ♥ . Thanks, girls, for cheering me up. Criminality yg enjoying haha. Okay.

Alya, oh, you're flawless for me. Baik, cantik, funny, mmg ding ding lah orang yg tak nak awak. Ya know ding ding? Don't find out. And, mmg spontaneous class monitor. I remember your birthday party, unforgettable :P And, do you really honestly like Justin Bieber? ;P

Danial. Dude, walaupun orang lain kata kau mcm uhh sikit, dude, kau memang, Bahah :P And, aku tak boleh lupa quotes kau "You can decode my code". Cara kau cakap mmg semat ah. -,- Teringat Paramore "Decode".

Hairy. Mmg hairy ke kau? Btw, jakub pun jakub lah, And, ANNOYING TAU kau kadang2 bila asyik cakap "lawok, hah lawok?" Asyik2 lawok. Haih kau ni. But, tu bg aku lak, aku jahat sikit -,- Btw, good luck for ya new private school, jgn sombong!

Wan Ning. You are one of the first Chinese I talked to! Remember the first day? Cool lah! Hee. And, you are genius, gal!

Azwan. Haih, at first tak sangka langsung aku akan sama kelas ngn kau lagi. But, yea yea. Kau mmg annoying but lalala, kau okay lah kot. And, kau ada 2 peminat, asal tak terima dorang? Haha. Btw, tolong lah jangan bagi Albuquerque datang lagi. Biar dia aman kat Itaaaaaaly. Btw, Taylor Swift dah pregnant, dah branak ke? And Selena Gomez mcm mana? Anna Popwell sanggup jadi bini ketiga kau? Sekarang kau nak ngn Mirinda Cosgrove pulak. Dey, mcm mana la dorang sanggup ngn kau =.=

Syafiq. Hai, Syafiq :P Dah sombong ea skrg.. Dulu kau baik gila doh. Sekarang, kau mamat paling bising, kecoh sekali like "Biar betul ni budak aku penah sama kelas darjah 3 and darjah 6?!"

Irsyad. Kau dulu mak sombong aiii. Then kau baik balik, then jaha balik, then baik balik. Random betul lah kau. Tak lama lagi kau akan lebih tinggi daripada aku, ah, takut aku nak hadapi tuh :P

Nadilla. Rock chic and gothic and suka ghost. Bukan hantu tuh, kay? Kau mmg different in some part. Selama aku kenal kau, kau memang baik even kau mmg gothic. Gothic sekali pun, kau paling sweet aku penah kenal. Serious. Haha.

Naven. WTH? Cey. Well, kau agak poyo, but kau baik kadang-kadang. Its nice to knowing you, dude. And trust me, maybe kau akan jadi model :P or jadi chef :D Haha, entahlah kenapa -,-

Nik, tak habes2 dgn Paramore. Itu haku punya lah. Kau memang pencuri celebrity kesayangn lah. Twilight, Owl City, Taylor Swift, semua yang Mai suka kau curik. (except Glee, kau tak minat sgt). Then skrg, kau pegi ambek Narnia Lissa, sekarang Paramore aku. And Harry Potter pun kinda. Kau semua tau, jealous aku -,- Skrg kau nak benci Justin Bieber ngn aku? JOM! And aku berdoa agak kau ngn Alya. Amin.

Haida, nice person. You are the best girlfriend haha. And Saimun's biggest hater, betul2 simpati terhadap nasib anda bersama Saimun -,-. Dia mmg macam tuh. Haha, baru tahun ni masuk dah ada annoyer. But, serious, you're good with girls :D

Aida. Sweet as always, now kau not really lah. But still, you're one of the nicest :). We both miss Adiba, right? Yeah.. And, Azwan for you? Haha, joking. :D

Amirah. The one that memang pro in percintaan. *ceh. And yeah kau suka gilagila perkataan "4ever whatever!" Haha, memang tak boleh lupa :)

Fathiha. You're really like an angel to everyone. Seriously. You're the sister to everyone. Even Mai said "you're like a sister to me" kan? You are. You have the sisterhood soul. You're nice inside even though you are the leader of criminal xD. But korang yang tak kenal dia, you better get to know her. She's nice in every way.

Lissa, the prettay prettay babe. Haha. Backstreet Boys, Narnia, Anne Hathaway are always your thing. And purple like me, too! (and Syaza and Barney ;P). You're the photo-taker pro. Right right right? Haha :D Good luck with my ex, Skandar Keynes! xD And Taylor Lautner! Simpan baik-baik tau poster tuh!

Najwah, the nice gal! And yeah, she got a hidden personalty inside her. Better get to know her. Awak memang baik ya knoww? One of the sweetest girl :) But cool in a same time like yeah.

Syaza, awak, kita rindu nanti nak beli air masa balik -,-. Kita suka cara awak cakap ouh haha. Bahasa awak mmg cool lah :D. And how you handle with Saimun, haha, yeah :D Rindu nak reka2 lagu Hannah Montana and pasal Saimun dengan awak! And btw, Nick Jonas will looooove you but don't forget to jual mahal! ;D

Saimun, "I am black, hard and solid". Dude, 11 months unforgettable that sentence! WHOA! xD And yeah, you are childish. Kau tak suka jadi mature eh. Ingat lagi Teha cakap "Saimun dah mataaaang" then you said "Eh! Mana ada! Saya sakit tekak lah!" HAHA, childish as always.

Mai, tak biasa pulak cakap Maisarah, haha. That time ada orang tanya "Tengok Maisarah," and I'm confused, then bila dorang kata "Mai" and I was "oh.." Haha, dah biasa. The first time, takut nak panggil kau Mai. Strangers call nicknames kinda awkward. And yeah, Twilight as always, Taylor Swift forever, Mai-o-logy never ketinggalan zaman! I'm gonna miss it. A lot. And you too! And good luck with Jacob and Edward :P

Jian Sern, you're a cool and funny dude! With the "hunky" voice though, masa first time you talk I thought a teacher. Haha. Then I turned, "laa, that chinese" Hihi. Yeah, Michael Jackson, you want Kenny Sasuke? Whathe? Haha. And I like when you tease Saimun and gang with Danial. And karate with your dudes :P And, does people still call you 'Tam'? I bet yeah.

Guan Hoe, dude, you too. Cool. And, I don't know why I like you with Xiangjun (don't misunderstand mah!). And the way you make Saimun like a fool is awesome! And how you ejek Xiangjun. Bahaha :D

Man Ning, Aww, you're nice. You are one of the first Chinese like Wan Ning. Awak ajar saya banyak benda ouh, and pandai gilagila lukis, ya know? And your taste in song pun okay! :D

Xiangjun, haha, "I'm not gonna miss you." but seriously, you're the most I won't forget, GAL! Bahaha :D . I really have fun since being friend of you even though "you are the worst thing that's ever called 'friend'" Haha.I'm gonna miss our Harry Potter. Ya, our la sgt. We crazy together, we reka-reka lagu together, we plan revenge together. Haha, thanks for always cheer me up, gal. And yeah, you're the one who taught me 'stupid' :P. And, Avatar sucks:P Twilight nice :P :P :P

Vanessa, last but not the least! One of the cool Chinese! And I like when you fought with Teha. Like the Fun War! And how you treat Danial, bahaha :D. Good luck with David Archuleta keh!

So.... I really gonna miss you guys like hell. :') Good luck, guys. You are my second family ;") *Sensitive pulak.

Najla Nadhirah,
the PARAMORE fan ya guys always know (I think) and the Justin Bieber BIG HATER.